Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pros and Cons of Taking Summer Class

Since I have finished a summer class a few weeks ago, I thought I would break my thoughts down into pros and cons of taking summer class(s). Including this summer, I have taken 2 summer classes total in my 3 years of uni. Next year I plan to graduate (inshAllah :) so I don't expect to take another summer class again! I was reallllly unsure whether to take a summer class, and before I finally decided to just do it, I listed the good and bad of either of my choices for myself. This is what I will be sharing here. InshAllah this will be useful for anyone else who may be undecided like I was ;)

- if a specific class is required, get it over with asap since you will have to do it eventually
- makes the semester during the school year a little more manageable/ less stressful

- extra fee (check with your college)
- want/ need a (long) break ;) after a year of classes = lack of motivation
- have plans already/ will be really busy, so hw might suffer a bit

There isn't much of a difference in the number of reasons to go one way or another. It all really depends on your willingness to just do it (no matter how much you don't want to). Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on taking summer classes!