Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sephora Perfume Haul

So I did some more online shopping at Sephora a few weeks ago (I know, I need to stop...) I was in the mood for another perfume because I was getting tired of my Marc Jacobs Oh, Lola! one. I went on and what do you know, they were having a special where points were being tripled on any perfume purchase. How convenient! I knew that I wanted another Sephora Favorites Fragrance Deluxe Sampler For Her set since I love trying different perfumes. I added the latest set they had up on the site to my cart along with a free fragrance sampler bag and the usual 3 free samples. By the end of my little hauling, my cart consisted of the products shown down below (minus the "paper perfume sample" they threw in. (So far, I love three of the samples in my set that I've tried :) I plan to do a BIG Sephora review in the future iA so check back for that if you are interested.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pros. & Cons of Online Classes

Before I started uni., I said that I would never take online classes. My sister and others made it sound hard and it just didn't sound worth it. Never say never. With about a month left before the end of my sophomore year, I've taken about 6 online classes so far! What I decided instead is that there is more good than bad to this option. I thought I would share these here for anyone thinking about taking classes online.  

1. Can sleep and wake up any time
2. Let others in the house sleep too if you don't drive yet
3. Don't need to fuss to get ready
4. Can do class almost any time
5. Safe and comfortable at home
6. A lot of free time on your hands, so you can work or volunteer
7. Good option for shy/ quiet people
8. Save time and money on gas and commuting

1. Extra fee *check with your college/ uni. what the exact price is for each online course

As you can see from what I've came up with above, I personally think it's worth taking classes online if one is willing to pay an extra fee. I hope I convinced some of you to not hesitate to at least try a class online and see how it goes. Everyone is different so it might not be the best for all, but something to learn from nonetheless. Let me know in the comments below what other pros./ cons. there are in taking classes online.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Beauty on a Budget

I finally got the chance to put up this post that I mentioned in my Drugstore Beauty Basics Bundle Review #1. Below are links to coupons and samples on many different products, all for free! We can all benefit from saving some money here and there on products we buy, whether on food, beauty, personal care items, etc. I hope this helps!

Just select and print. #5, 6,and 7 have some similar coupons. Some can only be used specifically @ Walgreens or Rite Aid, but others wherever coupons are taken.

1. Clean & Clear
2. Neutrogena
3. Loreal
4. Cetaphil
6. Walgreens
7. RiteAid

Check back often to catch an interesting offer. #4 requires an invitation acceptance, making a user, and being active on the site. Worth the hard work for some cool products to test out for free!

1. P&G
2. Target
3. Walmart
4. Influenster (email me for an invite!)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Nail of the Week (NOTW)- Red+Gold= Orange?

Recently, I had on this bright manicure using red and gold nail polish. I wanted to take a break from using black, so I thought of doing this. I love the almost orange look that the layered gold on red gives. As you can see from the pictures below (sorry for the image quality but click the images to enlarge) I did a gold accent nail and another using just the red. I suggest using a light hand with the gold over the red so both colors show up nicely. For materials and pictures, see below.

I used:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Free Mario Badescu Skincare Samples

I received my free samples of Mario Badescu products this week. I thought it would be helpful to let others know who like to try different products, like myself, or may be looking for something to help their skin for a particular issue.

If you would like to try some MB products, go to and click on Receive a Free Personalized Skin Analysis. Fill out all the info and by the end it should show what products MB recommends. Within a few days, you'll receive an email from MB and at the bottom of the email, it should say "Please click here if you are interested in receiving product samples." Click that and you are done! Now all you have to do is wait for your samples to come, which will take a few weeks. By the way, the email shows a few recommendations, but MB might send more than that.

So I got 7 samples to try, which I can't wait to use! Currently, I am using my Korres Wild Rose Instant Brightening Eye & Skin Duo that I bought in my last Sephora haul. I plan on doing a BIG Sephora review once I get through all my products from there, so check back for that if you are interested! I plan to use MB when I am done with Korres, to see if I notice any difference in my skin from using Korres. My skin isn't sensitive, so I can use almost any product, but I do have some discoloration and other imperfections.

Back to the MB samples. Click on the images below to enlarge and see what I received:


Again, I plan to do reviews on these products to let you all know how they work out for me!