Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Advice on College/ University

With the start of a new semester for college/university students coming up, I thought I would share some of my college/uni related advice. These are just some pointers and reminders for myself and others. Hope they help <3

1. Use a planner to help organize daily activities such as school work, studying, job, free time, etc. A planner with daily, weekly, and monthly sections (with enough writing space) will help in planning for important tasks and will ultimately help in being more productive.  
2. Buy an accordion file folder to keep a lot of paper (at home) for different subjects in one place instead of individual folders that will fill up quickly. An example would be C-Line Biodegradable 7-Pocket Expanding File, Letter Size, 1 Expanding File, Color May Vary (48300)

Classes and Professors
1. Find out as much info as possible about course content and professors BEFORE you sign up for a class. Try 
2. Sit in the front row of the classroom. This will help you pay attention to the professor and not get distracted by classmates or fall asleep ;)
3. Try to take at least 1 online course and see if you can manage it. It may have an extra fee, but if you can manage it, then this is one less class that you have to be on campus for allowing a little more free time (and a sense of safety).
*Online class participation is good for shy individuals :) See my post on Pros and Cons of Online Classes
4. Most importantly, go to all your classes unless it is an emergency. Not wanting to get out of bed, especially on a rainy day, is NOT an emergency ;)

1. Look for your textbooks at the library and place it on hold so you get it before others. This will help you save some money on books (especially if you are an English major ;) that you will probably end up selling back anyway.
2. Try to buy your textbooks (new, used, rent) from places other than the college bookstore, unless it is ONLY sold there. The prices may be more jacked up compared to other places. Try,,, etc. Compare prices and try to buy from the same seller to save money, especially on shipping.
3. Cover your textbooks with clear contact paper as soon as possible (especially if they are new), to reduce damage to the covers and spine. This will help when it comes time to selling the books back. An example would be Decora Clear Contact Paper 3 Yd.
4. Read your textbooks and try not to fall behind in your readings; it will be really hard to catch up!
On campus
1. Join at least one club/activity you are interested in and plan to be active.
2. Attend/learn self-help workshops/skills for money/time management, note-taking/study skills, etc.
3. If you don't work already, try to find a job on campus. This will make it easier going from work to class and vice versa.

1. Learn to be independent and money smart!
2. Apply to as many scholarships as possible.
3. College/university allows a lot of free time and 'experimenting". Try to discipline yourself and always do what you KNOW is right.
4. Study what YOU are really interested in. Don’t go into a field for the money, status, pressure from family, etc. Remember “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ― Confucius and “Love what you do and do what you love…" ― Ray Bradbury
5. Make friends and socialize with the "right" people. Avoid those who pressure you to do anything uncomfortable, dangerous, or basically, regrettable.  

My final piece of advice that I strongly believe in; "Life is what you make it, and that includes college!" -SF <3

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