Wednesday, September 3, 2014

College: Don't Stress It

It is officially back to school/ college time for many of us. Because of this, I thought I would share my advice on how I try not to stress myself out (too much!) These are all common sense things, but sometimes a reminder of such basic tips can be helpful :) Anyways, here is a short list of what I suggest and personally do to distress or lessen the amount of stress.

1. Time management (read my article on this here)
- use a planner and folders to stay organized with all your papers
2. Day off
- have at least 1 day off to just take a break
3. Take your mind off college/ work
- spend some time doing something (responsible) that you love, like reading a book or watching a movie
4. Socialize (again responsibly)
- hang out with family and friends to chat and have a good time
5. Pamper yourself
- treat your skin and body to a face mask, manicure/ pedicure, warm shower before bed, etc.
6. Enjoy nature
- go for a walk/ hike, picnic, exercise, weekend/ day trip etc.
7. Journal (read my blog post about this here)
- get all your thoughts, feelings, (stresses :P) out in writing

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