Tuesday, December 23, 2014


First impressions

So I was getting tired of Once Upon a Time (now on its 4th season...) and was looking for another TV show to watch. I remembered some friends mentioning Merlin and how much they loved it, but for some reason, I thought it would be like The Lord of the Rings (which is not my favorite). So, I hesitated to watch it for a long time. In my boredom, I finally decided to see what it's about.

I was really surprised that the first few episodes got me interested. The show overall is suspenseful. Some parts of Merlin are scary, sad, and disgusting! I think the show really emphasizes on destiny and revenge. Merlin (the show) is nothing like what I thought it would be and I'm glad I found a new favorite TV show!

Watch Merlin!

I know I'm late on it, but watching Merlin after all 5 seasons are complete isn't so bad. I don't have to wait for episodes to air and can watch them at my own pace. I am currently on season 5 and watch Merlin on hulu.com. All 5 seasons (65 episodes) are free on hulu.com and if you haven't watched Merlin yet, you can still watch them here at http://www.hulu.com/merlin. Beware of the ads on hulu though. They ruin the fun of continuously watching Merlin!

The characters

Speaking of Merlin, this time the MAIN character of the show, I love his funny sarcastic remarks! He is also very brave, smart, and a good friend, especially to Arthur. For this reason, I hate how Arthur treats Merlin. Arthur does eventually admit they are friends, so I guess their "horseplay" is just how Arthur shows he cares and needs Merlin.

Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon, is probably one of the dumbest characters, despite him being king. Uther is also a big hypocrite, which I hate! From the "good" characters, I dislike Uther the most. Arthur is different I think, because people like Merlin make him believe in himself and that he is a worthy individual. The two Pendragons are quick to overlook facts and not believe those who are trustworthy.

Gwen, along with Merlin, is another one of my favorite characters. She is really  smart and looks for good in others, especially in Arthur! At first I didn't like how the only woman of color on the show (if I can remember correctly) plays a lower class character. But it did make sense in the end.

Morgana! I didn't have a problem with her in the first few episodes, but once she turned bad, I really hated her. I'm sorry fans of Morgana, and please excuse me saying this, but she is an evil b****!!! This is what I think every time she messes things up and tries to take revenge. I know there has to be an evil character, but if Merlin would just have killed her the many chances he got, everyone's life would be easier. I feel like almost every other episode includes her and the ones that don't, are fillers. I don't mind the show taking a break once in a while from focusing on Morgana and some of these episodes are actually good.

Final thoughts

I enjoyed watching Merlin and am a little sad that I am almost done with the series :( I really wish there was more! I highly recommend the show to everyone, especially to those who are interested in the story of King Arthur or fans of shows/movies with magic.

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